Delta Force Sensitivity Converter

Delta Force Sensitivity Converter / Calculator

Use this Delta Force sensitivity converter to easily convert sensitivities between Delta Force and other games.

360 Mouse Sensitivity Converter

About this sens converter

This Delta Force sensitivity converter/calculator is a free tool that allows you to convert and transfer sensitivities between Delta Force and other games. The converter supports many game conversions and provides an effortless way to maintain consistent sensitivity throughout the games you play.

Note the converter outputs are for the “mouse sensitivity” setting in game.

How to use this sensitivity converter

1. Select games. Choose which games you want to convert from and to in the dropdown menus.
2. Enter original sensitivity. Input the sensitivity setting of the original game you’re converting from.
3. Enter DPI values. Input the DPI (Dots Per Inch) values that you use for both the original and target games. If you’re not changing DPI between games or are unsure of your DPI, you can ignore these DPI fields and leave them as default.

Once you’ve entered in the required info, the calculator will immediately calculate and display your new converted sensitivity. Additionally, it will show measurements for inches and centimeters per 360-degree turn, indicating the distance you need to move your mouse to complete a full in-game rotation.

Some popular games that this converter supports